The ALL WHITE LADIES JERSEY - NFHS White features DuraCool's unique cooling fabrics that enhance the natural process of evaporation to provide immediate cooling that lasts for hours. Great when using this jersey as the legal white jersey as directed by the NFHS rules. This jersey complements our other more colorful offerings.

(February 2021)
RULE 1-5-1:
ART. 1 . . . Mandatory Equipment. Each player shall participate while wearing the following pieces of
properly fitted equipment, which shall be professionally manufactured and not altered to decrease protection:
b. Jersey:
1. A jersey, unaltered from the manufacturer’s original design/production, and which shall be long enough
to reach the top of the pants and shall be tucked in if longer. It must completely cover the shoulder pads
and all pads worn above the waist on the torso.
2. Players of the visiting team shall wear jerseys, unaltered from the manufacturer’s original
design/production, that meet the following criteria: The body of the jersey (inside the shoulders,
inclusive of the yoke of the jersey or the shoulders, below the collar, and to the bottom of the jersey) shall
be white and shall contain only the listed allowable adornments and accessory patterns in a color(s) that
contrasts to white:
(a) as the jersey number(s) required in 1-5-1c or as the school’s nickname, school logo, school name
and/or player name within the body and/or on the shoulders,
(b) either as a decorative stripe placed during production that follows the curve of the raglan sleeve or
following the shoulder seam in traditional yoke construction, not to exceed 1 inch at any point within
the body of the jersey; or as decorative stripe(s) added in the shoulder area after production, not to
exceed 1 inch per stripe and total size of combined stripes not to exceed 3.5 inches,
(c) within the collar, a maximum of 1 inch in width, and/or
(d) as a side seam (insert connecting the back of the jersey to the front), a maximum of 4 inches in width
but any non-white color may not appear within the body of the jersey (inside the shoulders, inclusive
of the yoke of the jersey or the shoulders, below the collar, and to the bottom of the jersey). The
exception to (d) would be what is stated in (b) above.
(e) The visiting team is responsible for avoidance of similarity of colors, but if there is doubt, the referee
may require players of the home team to change jerseys.
NOTE: One American flag, not to exceed 2 inches by 3 inches, may be worn or occupy space on each item
of uniform apparel. By state association adoption, to allow for special occasions, commemorative or
memorial patches, not to exceed 4 square inches, may be worn on the uniform without compromising its
3. Players of the home team shall wear jerseys, unaltered from the manufacturer’s original
design/production, that meet the following criteria: The body of the jersey (inside the shoulders,
inclusive of the yoke of the jersey or the shoulders, below the collar, and to the bottom of the jersey) may
not include white, except as stated below. The jerseys of the home team shall be a dark color that clearly
contrasts to white. If white appears in the body of the jersey of the home team, it may only appear:
(a) as the jersey number(s) required in 1-5-1c or as the school’s nickname, school logo, school name
and/or player name within the body and/or on the shoulders,
(b) either as a decorative stripe placed during production that follows the curve of the raglan sleeve or
following the shoulder seam in traditional yoke construction, not to exceed 1 inch at any point within
the body of the jersey; or as decorative stripe(s) added in the shoulder area after production, not to
exceed 1 inch per stripe and total size of combined stripes not to exceed 3.5 inches,
(c) within the collar, a maximum of 1 inch in width, and/or
(d) as a side seam (insert connecting the back of the jersey to the front), a maximum of 4 inches in width
but any white color may not appear within the body of the jersey (inside the shoulders, inclusive of
the yoke of the jersey or the shoulders, below the collar, and to the bottom of the jersey). The
exception to (d) would be what is stated in (b) above.
(e) The visiting team is responsible for avoidance of similarity of colors, but if there is doubt, the referee
may require players of the home team to change jerseys.
NOTE: One American flag, not to exceed 2 inches by 3 inches, may be worn or occupy space on each item of
uniform apparel. By state association adoption, to allow for special occasions, commemorative or memorial
patches, not to exceed 4 square inches, may be worn on the uniform without compromising its integrity.
c. Numbers:
1. The numbers shall be clearly visible and legible using Arabic numbers 1-99 inclusive and shall be on the
front and back of the jersey.
2. The numbers, inclusive of any border(s), shall be centered horizontally at least 8 inches and 10 inches
high on front and back, respectively.
3. The entire body of the number (the continuous horizontal bars and vertical strokes) exclusive of any
border(s) shall be approximately 1½-inches wide.
4. The color and style of the number shall be the same on the front and back.
5. Through the 2023 season, the body of the number (the continuous horizontal bars and vertical strokes)
shall be either:
(a) a continuous color(s) contrasting with the jersey color; or
(b) the same solid color(s) as the jersey with a minimum of one border that is at least ¼-inch in width of
a single solid contrasting color.
6. Effective with the 2024 season, the entire body of the number (the continuous horizontal bars and
vertical strokes) shall be a single solid color that clearly contrasts with the body color of the jersey.
d. Pads and Protective Equipment – The following pads and protective equipment are required of all players:
1. Hip pads and tailbone protector which are unaltered from the manufacturer’s original design/production.
2. Knee pads which are unaltered from the manufacturer’s original design/production, which are worn over
the knee and under the pants and shall be at least ½ inch thick or 3/8 inch thick if made of shock
absorbing material.
3. Shoulder pads and hard surface auxiliary attachments, which shall be fully covered by a jersey.
4. Thigh guards which are unaltered from the manufacturer’s original design/production.
e. Pants - which completely cover the knees, thigh guards and knee pads and any portion of any knee brace
that does not extend below the pants.
RULE 1-5-3:
ART. 3 . . . Illegal Equipment. No player shall participate while wearing illegal equipment. This applies to any
equipment, which in the opinion of the umpire is dangerous, confusing or inappropriate. Illegal equipment shall
always include but is not limited to:
a. The following items related to the Game Uniform:
1. Jerseys and pants that have:
(a) A visible logo/trademark or reference exceeding 2¼ square inches and exceeding 2¼ inches in
any dimension.
(b) More than one manufacturer’s logo/trademark or reference on the outside of either item. (The
same size restriction shall apply to either the manufacturer’s logo/trademark or reference).
(c) Sizing, garment care or other nonlogo labels on the outside of either item.
3. Tear-away jerseys or jerseys that have been altered in any manner that produces a knot-like
protrusion or creates a tear-away jersey.
4. Any transverse stripe on the sleeve below the elbow.
c. The following items related to Other Illegal Equipment:
1. Ball-colored helmets, jerseys, patches, exterior arm covers/pads, undershirts or gloves.
5. Jerseys, undershirts or exterior arm covers/pads manufactured to enhance contact with the football
or opponent.
9. Equipment not worn as intended by the manufacturer
Product Features:
- 100% polyester featuring "DuraCool" technology
- Tagless label
- Set-in sleeves
- Embedded decoration for lightweight performance
All white soccer jersey, NHFS-ALL WHITE JERSEY, approved