Gear Brand Color & Position |
Black (█ #161615) |
None |
Body Color |
Light Navy (█ kb-cmyk(#2b4256,86,67,45,35)) |
Sleeves |
Light Navy (█ kb-cmyk(#2b4256,86,67,45,35)) |
Trims |
Black (█ kb-cmyk(#000000,0,0,0,0)) |
Shorts |
Balck (█ #121112) |
Socks |
Balck (█ #121112) |
Digi Camo (3 color pattern) |
Opacity |
0.4 |
Pattern Trans |
1.59,0,0,1.59,0,0 |
Color 1 |
Black (█ kb-cmyk(#000000,0,0,0,0)) |
Color 2 |
Medium Grey (█ kb-cmyk(#504f52,65,58,54,33)) |
Color 3 |
Charcoal (█ kb-cmyk(#2f3437,74,64,60,56)) |
Front Arched Blocker |
Black (█ #161615) |
Opacity |
0 |
Front Half Blocker |
Black (█ #161615) |
Opacity |
0 |
Front Wide Blocker |
Black (█ #161615) |
Opacity |
0 |
Back Half Blocker |
Black (█ #161615) |
Opacity |
0 |
Full Back Blocker |
Black (█ #161615) |
Opacity |
0 |
Rise Fade |
Grey (█ #77797C) |
Opacity |
0 |
Retro Fade |
Black (█ kb-cmyk(#000000,0,0,0,0)) |
Opacity |
0.02 |
Fairfade |
Black (█ kb-cmyk(#000000,0,0,0,0)) |
Opacity |
0.58 |
Bottom Gradient Fade |
Red (█ kb-cmyk(#9d182e,25,100,82,21)) |
Opacity |
0 |
Front |
Key |
Text |
Font |
Colour |
Weight |
Style |
Stroke |
Stroke Width |
Stroke 2 |
Stroke 2 Width |
Custom Font Colours |
front-text |
Lagos United |
Digital-Desolation-Plus |
█ kb-cmyk(#ffffff,0,0,0,0) |
italic |
kb-cmyk(#000000,0,0,0,0) |
27.7px |
#ffcccc |
0 |
number-text-front-number |
3 |
Netherland--0123456789 |
█ kb-cmyk(#ffffff,0,0,0,0) |
kb-cmyk(#000000,0,0,0,0) |
17.8px |
#ffcccc |
0 |
Back |
Key |
Text |
Font |
Colour |
Weight |
Style |
Stroke |
Stroke Width |
Stroke 2 |
Stroke 2 Width |
Custom Font Colours |
number-text-back-number |
3 |
Netherland--0123456789 |
█ kb-cmyk(#ffffff,0,0,0,0) |
kb-cmyk(#000000,0,0,0,0) |
25.8px |
#ffcccc |
0 |
back-text |
Inland Empire |
Digital-Desolation-Plus |
█ kb-cmyk(#ffffff,0,0,0,0) |
#ffcccc |
0 |
#ffcccc |
0 |
back-text |
Clinical Trials |
Digital-Desolation-Plus |
█ kb-cmyk(#ffffff,0,0,0,0) |
#ffcccc |
0 |
#ffcccc |
0 |
Sleeves |
Key |
Text |
Font |
Colour |
Weight |
Style |
Stroke |
Stroke Width |
Stroke 2 |
Stroke 2 Width |
Custom Font Colours |
left-sleeve-text |
@verdinbrosautodetail |
MD_Dasher_Regular |
█ kb-cmyk(#ffffff,0,0,0,0) |
#ffcccc |
0 |
#ffcccc |
0 |
Team: Lagos United Youth Soccer
Name |
Number |
Size |
Sku |
Eric Verdin |
14 |
Youth Small (6-8) |
youthsmall |
Paul Verdin |
11 |
Youth Small (6-8) |
youthsmall |
Mario Ochoa |
8 |
Youth Small (6-8) |
youthsmall |
Isaias Catalan |
30 |
Youth Small (6-8) |
youthsmall |
Angel Cabral |
9 |
Youth Small (6-8) |
youthsmall |
Jace Daniel |
4 |
Youth Large (14-16) |
youthlarge |
Jason Partida |
12 |
Youth Small (6-8) |
youthsmall |
Anthony Marquez |
14 |
Youth Medium (10-12) |
youthmedium |
Vincent Larios |
24 |
Youth Medium (10-12) |
youthmedium |
Legacy Rashad Frampton |
10 |
Youth Small (6-8) |
youthsmall |
Sklya Danielle Gonzalez |
13 |
Youth Medium (10-12) |
youthmedium |
Noah Lomeli - Open |
6 |
Youth Small (6-8) |
youthsmall |
Isaiah Lomeli - Open |
2 |
Youth Medium (10-12) |
youthmedium |
Constantino Liberato |
10 |
Youth Small (6-8) |
youthsmall |
Isaiah Altamirano |
7 |
Youth Small (6-8) |
youthsmall |
Nicolette Altamirano |
3 |
Youth X-Large (18-20) |
youthxlarge |
Erick Catalan |
22 |
Youth Large (14-16) |
youthlarge |
Julian Sierra |
5 |
Youth Medium (10-12) |
youthmedium |
Open |
9 |
Youth Medium (10-12) |
youthmedium |
Open |
16 |
Youth Large (14-16) |
youthlarge |
Open |
15 |
Youth Large (14-16) |
youthlarge |
Size |
Sku |
Quantity |
Youth Small (6-8) |
youthsmall |
10 |
Youth Medium (10-12) |
youthmedium |
6 |
Youth Large (14-16) |
youthlarge |
4 |
Youth X-Large (18-20) |
youthxlarge |
1 |
*Special Instructions: |
Can you please center the "Lagos United" with number in front of the jersey and can you also line up the sponsors with the number on the back of the jersey. It's hard to center everything on the computer. Please center accordingly to the jersey. Thank you! |
Production Fee |
Production Fee $25 |